Carolyn Drake
Based out of Istanbul, photographer Carolyn Drake worked extensively in Central Asia between 2007 and 2013. She now resides in the United States, where she has begun a new photo project.
Articles by this author
Reviving the North Aral Sea
Science & Nature
A decade after Kazakhstan completed a dam, fish are returning to the northern reaches of the inland sea that became a global icon of environmental collapse.北咸海重返生机 (Reviving the North Aral Sea) - Aral Sea Chinese
A decade after Kazakhstan completed a dam, fish are returning to the northern reaches of the inland sea that became a global icon of environmental collapse.북아랄해의 소생 (Reviving the North Aral Sea) - Aral Sea Korean
A decade after Kazakhstan completed a dam, fish are returning to the northern reaches of the inland sea that became a global icon of environmental collapse.Revivendo o Mar de Aral do Norte - Aral Sea Portuguese
A decade after Kazakhstan completed a dam, fish are returning to the northern reaches of the inland sea that became a global icon of environmental collapse.El mar de Aral Norte cobra vida - Aral Sea Spanish
Diez años después de la construcción de un dique en Kazajistán, los peces regresan a los confines del norte de un mar interior que se convirtió en un símbolo mundial del colapso medioambiental.